Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Future Project!

So now that I'm expecting a little boy in exactly 6weeks!  (Eeek excited!) I needed to find a big girl bed for little girl who's almost 2. I don't plan to move her into her own big girl bed just yet, but i didn't want to have to worry about finding a bed and finishing it while having a newborn! Thats way to much work for me. So anyways...I've been on the hunt for a twin bed, my dad was even going to make me one since i wasn't seeing anything i liked but then i found this....

It was on craigslist, for FREE! Ok i know its really ugly right now but its solid pine wood! Amazing!
So I've enlisted my hubs to sand it down, and I'm gonna paint it in a cute way! But its low to the ground, i am going to have my dad make some bed rails (just in case) and it will be perfect! All i have to do is buy the at most this bed will have cost me $15! Thats a steal!

**I will post pics once i get it finished, I'm just to excited about this project to not share now!**

Car seat cover

So my hubs surprised me with my new car this past week! A lexus hybrid! Its SO PRETTY. I just love it way to much. I have leather interior but don't want my little girl kicking the back of the seat with her shoes, and lets face it I'm not about to put her shoes on and off every time we go in the car! So i wanted to get creative and make something cute for the back of the seat that had character for my daughter to look at while still protecting my seat! So this is what i came up with!

(Keep in mind I've only done like 3 sewing projects EVER!) So anyone can do this!

I just found some cute fabric that i liked and went with my interior (Carmel color
Measured my seat length and width (i used less then 1yard...but bought one for extra fabric)
Cut the fabric in 2 pieces
Sewed them together.
Added a color ribbon(at the top and bottom) so that i can tie them onto the back of the head rest
And thats that! SEE SIMPLE! 
I may add a pocket later so that i can put some toys to keep her happy on long car rides.

My Sexy new Car!!!!!